I am writing about what I wished I knew as a teenage girl. Finding ways to survive drama, boys, learning to love yourself and knowing that nothing defines you but you.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Change of Direction
I have decided to change the purpose of my blog. After spending a night talking to a family friend I realized that I can use this blog to write about my experiences through middle and high school. Being a girl is tough but I want girls to be able to read this and know that life goes on and they are definitely not alone. I would love for as many people to follow this as possible, especially young girls. I want girls to read about my experiences and listen to my advice so they know that life goes on after all the silly drama. It gets better. Although I haven't decided what exactly I will talk about but it'll be the main issues girls have to deal with such as body issues, relationships and drama. Hopefully if I get enough followers I could even do a question and answer post. So all I can ask is for those who are reading to follow and to tell others to follow along as well. Starting this blog has been all I can thing about the past few days and I can't wait to really get into this and share my knowledge.
Monday, December 20, 2010
First Post!
I have been following multiple blogs lately that I decided it was time to start my own. I have always enjoyed writing in a journal; it has been a great way for me to let out my emotions and be able to document what is going on in my life. Now that I'm in college, I realize I need more than pictures and Facebook posts to remember my memories at Oregon, not to mention it'll be a good way for family and friends to see how I am doing.
Since it is winter break and I am home I can't promise anything too exciting but my family is pretty crazy so maybe there will be a few good stories by the end of break. I LOVE being home, I am one of those kids who truly enjoys being home. It's the best. It has been an adjustment though to be back under my parent's rules and watch but being able to see my family, friends, and kids has been so worth it. I feel so fortunate to have such a great people in life back home and now that I have left, I have realized how much I love Sacramento and all it offers.
I'm pretty excited about starting a blog. For some reason it makes me feel kinda old. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not 15 anymore but I'm actually in college and living on my own. I am making it a goal to write religiously and hopefully write something interesting every once in a while. :)
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