Sunday, January 9, 2011

When I first thought of this idea I assumed I would have an order to when I wrote about certain issues but I've decided that writing what I feel strongly at the moment will produce a more insprirational post. So today I am writing about friends. Value your friendships. Boys will come and go in your life but your true friends will always be there for you. I have given up my friends for a boy and I can tell you it is not worth it. Not to mention if the boy really cares about you, he wouldn't put you in that position.
Finding true friends is a bit of journey. As you grow older and mature you realize who you want to surround yourself with..hopefully it is someone who makes you feel good. If you have a friend you puts you down or blows you off, do not put up with it!! I have let (and still do at times) people push me around because I have never stood up for myself enough. Your life will be SO much easier if you stand up for yourself as soon as possible. I am not saying be rude back but be assertive and honest. In the Princess Diaries, Joe (the driver) tells Mia, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent". Eleanor Roosevelt said that and it is so true. Don't allow people get you down, you are better than that. You are the only one in control of how you feel. This goes back to my last post about about making yourself your number one priority. Don't be pushed around by a "friend" because you are worried about them getting mad at you..take care of yourself first. In the end people will admire you for respecting yourself and not take advantage of you.
I am pretty sure this goes without saying but if your friends are respecting you and always there for you, make sure you do the same. A healthy relationship requires both ends to be working. This is a topic I feel strongly about because I have seen it, been through it, and still deal with it. So this is not the last time I will write about it.You will have to deal with friend issues your whole life but learning how to handle them sooner than later will save you many conflicts. Communicate, respect, love and surround yourself with good friends! :)

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